Archive | November, 2008

A Thanksgiving of Firsts

29 Nov

Thanksgiving day, as almost any other day at Nashotah House, was extremely hectic but lots of fun.  The day started with Adeline being as fussy as she’s ever been and me rushing around trying to get the two of us fed (only succeeded in feeding her) and ready for the day (She was adorable in her soft pink cord dress and I, well…I was presentable.  I can say that.).    Matthew was on bell ringer duty (that one-ton bell pictured in our second blog) so he had to be to chapel early.  Adeline and I somehow succeeded in making it to Thanksgiving mass only a few moments late.  It was a wonderful service and we only had to leave the chapel once and that was to wash Adeline’s pacifier after she spat it out of her mouth and onto the ground.

We then rushed home to feed Adeline (again) and to prepare our contribution to the Thanksgiving feast -Jiffy Corn (thanks Mom Moore!) and baked potatoes. After feeding Adeline again, she and I went over to the refectory to help prepare.  Some of the community spent time playing with the kids,  preparing the meal, and helping some of the seminarians from other countries understand Thanksgiving traditions.

We spent a wonderful afternoon with our Nashotah House family making crafts with the kids, playing Rock Band in the basement, eating an amazing dinner, and having fellowship with our community.  It was especially nice for me to talk with the other brand new moms on campus.  Our babies are all within 15 days of each other so we all tend to be experiencing things together.  I’m pretty sure that the five babies were the hit of the party.  For the first time, we were able to get a picture of the five of them together.  Of course, my camera batteries died so I am still waiting for some pictures to be e-mailed to me but I do have one picture of the Nashotah Five.

Aidan, Robert, Adeline, Emmaline, and Margaret

Aidan, Robert, Adeline, Emmaline, and Margaret

 On the far left is Mr. Aidan.  He is the spitting image of his daddy and is one of the most laid back babies I’ve ever seen.  Next to Aidan is Robert.  He is two days older than Adeline and about 7 pounds heavier!  He is a big and super sweet boy…and probably the best nurser on campus!  Smack dab in the middle is our darling peanut, Adeline.  Her legs are pulled up, ready to roll-over, but she didn’t.  But that is only because Emmaline (next to Adeline) stopped her by sucking on Adeline’s hand.  Adeline didn’t seem to mind at all which I think means they are bound to be great friends! Share and share alike!  Emmaline’s daddy and Adeline’s daddy are good friends and I really like her mama, too. Emmaline’s bottom is probably the cutest on campus (besides Liners’, of course) because she’s cloth diapered. Last but not least is Miss Margaret.  You can that she is quite shy and proper-with her dress pulled up as high as it would go!  Margaret is Adeline’s best friend and seven-hour-a-day sister.  It’s a shame you can’t see her big, beautiful smile in this picture.

As you can see, Adeline’s first Thanksgiving and our first Thanksgiving at Nashotah House was spent in wonderful company.  Though we weren’t with family, we certainly didn’t feel lonely.  In all, 72-ish of us gathered in thanksgiving of the Lord’s blessings.   It was a better Wisconsin thanksgiving than we had hoped for.  We hope all of your Thanksgivings were as blessed as ours was.

Pajama Party!

22 Nov


Yesterday (Thursday) Adeline and I had a pajama party all day.  If you notice in the above picture, I don’t look so great and I certainly didn’t (don’t) feel good at all.  So, Liners and I spent a day together in our pajamas (3 sets a piece because Adeline can’t keep her meals in her belly, it seems.). 

One of the best (read: worst!) things about good ‘ole community living is good ‘ole community illnesses.  If one person gets something, there is a good chance the rest of the community will catch it, too.  Think about it – the seminarians sit elbow to elbow in chapel, eat breakfast and lunch together, work together, and sit in class together.  Germs love this place!  I think we may have caught it, however, from the Canters.  Poor Matthew has been sick all week.  Luckily, it seems that Margaret and Ashley have missed it.  Adeline has been quite well, also. It has been poor Mama that suffers!

Before I was a parent illness wasn’t so  bad.   I would curl up in bed with some hot cocoa, a good book, some knitting, and end up sleeping most of the day.  Now that we have Adeline that sure isn’t happening.  I spent most of yesterday nursing her (a girl’s still gotta eat, no matter how sick mom is), playing with her (she doesn’t care that I don’t feel well, she still needs to be entertained), and cuddling her (if she’s going to get it, she was going to get it whether I gave her zurbers or not).  Basically, it would have been more relaxing had I gone to work!  But sick or not, it was wonderful to spend the day together.

The one bad thing that happened during the day is taht I had plenty of time to surf the internet.  I happneed to find a children’s book called Adeline.  It seems like a beautiful story about a girl discovering God’s love for her.  Perfect, right?  The problem is that I can only find it for $43 on eBay!  Holy cow!  A children’s book printed four years ago costs that much?  So I implore you, if you happen to see this book somewhere for less than $30, buy it!  I will pay you back!  Thanks to being sick, I am now occupying my time with trying to find a children’s book! 

I hope all of our (few) readers are well this week.  Whether it be in health or sickness, I pray that you find your little blessings through it.

I Present to You: Jabba the ‘Liner!

13 Nov


God save us! This little girl is truly the highest source of joy in my life. The best part of getting to know Adeline is hearing all the new sounds, and seeing the new faces she makes.

This new one takes the cake.

Why do I call this dear baby Jabba? Allow me to show you. I want to draw your attention to the puffed up cheeks and dull eyes. Going further south in the area of puffed up cheeks, please notice her puckered lips, saturated in drool. Do you get the point, yet? No? Please let me continue.

Notice the manifold neck rolls? I count three in this picture; I can attest to more (can you believe this is the 6lb baby we brought home nearly four months ago?) rolls still hidden. My favorite part of this display is the large dark spot on her overalls, where even more excess drool resides. Now, can you imagine that little bowl of alien frogs sitting right next to the Bumbo, waiting to be eaten?

And if you’re wondering, I play the role of Twi’lek slave who dances for the master.

Anglicans – not Anglican’ts

11 Nov

The Diocese of Quincy has officially re-aligned with the province of the Southern Cone.  (That means we have left the Episcopal church.)  Or, as Matthew would say, we are (southern) Coneheads! 

We are quite excited that we are now in communion with the rest of the Anglican world and are looking forward to being in a church that we will not be persecuted in. Matthew, Adeline, and I must now set-upon finding a local parish in which Matthew will be able to serve.  Many (or perhaps most) of the churches in the area may not welcome us as we are Quincians and Anglicans. We pray that we will find one church that we may be comfortable in and that will be comfortable having us.

While the big decision has been made for Quincy, there are plenty of other diocese, parishes, and individuals pondering the same decision.  We continue to pray for them and for those who believe it is their call to be persecuted by the national church. 

The three of us are proud to be “official” Anglicans.  Praise be to God!

“So you can leave, right?”

4 Nov

I never really wanted to air my feelings about the whole leaving situation. If I hear one more person ask me if I can leave Quincy, as though maybe there was some speck on my heart so to do, I’ll lose my mind.

Regardless of ulterior reasons for moving back to Iowa, the primary reason was to plant ourselves in a Quincy parish, and when the time was right, to resume my postulancy for the Holy Orders. I love Bishop Ackerman very much. I also have deep faith in the diocese itself; it’s been led by three amazing bishops, who I have the honor to still see and talk with.

I’ve already accepted the fact I’ll probably work a secular job as well as being a priest. I’m certainly not beholden to money – I’ll never have enough. There is but one thing I can do. That is to be a seminarian, continue to be formed, remain faithful to my God and my diocese (trusting that they’re going to zealously and compassionately represent their faithful) and make sure I’m leading my family appropriately. I’ll do nothing else, please drop the issue.

Verily, verily, I say unto you. The dead horse has been thoroughly beaten.

On the Impending Synod

3 Nov

The 10 of you who read this blog probably already know that this coming Saturday my diocese will be voting to remove its ascension clause to The Episcopal Church (TEC) and realign with the province of the Southern Cone. Whether you agree with this action or not, one is hard pressed to view this as anything other than extremely significant. Jenny and I have always supposed our diocese would come to this point. But this week is gut check time.

Regardless of my specific views on this subject, I will say that all the implications came to the fore at worship this morning, post-eucharist. The thought that next week I may be serving in my church with half of my brothers and sisters gone crushes me. The thought of the huge battle that’s to be fought on Saturday is pretty scary. There are other things happening that really aren’t appropriate to air in this medium. The bottom line is: we’re very scared, but remain very hopeful to continue Christ’s commission, and to live out the Gospel accordingly. Please pray for us.

I’d like to share with you a section from The Sayings of the Desert Fathers which I should ruminate upon. It would also behoove all my diocese to meditate on this before Saturday.

“One of the brethren asked the abbot Isidore, an old man in Scete saying, “Why do the devils fear thee so mightily?” And the old man said to him, “From the time that I was made a monk, I have striven not to suffer anger to mount as far as my throat.”

Things I Love

3 Nov
Sitting in my Bumbo seat
Going for walks through the campus with Mama and Reagan
Looking out of the living room window

Posing for the camera


Playing peek-a-boo with Papa

I also love kicking my kick and play, talking to the pretty baby in the mirror, cuddling with Mama and Papa, getting licks from Reagan, tummy time with Margaret, staring at the Marian altar in the chapel, and staring at the trees.

I’m a very amiable girl, but there are a few things I do not tolerate well like jackets, hoods, my car seat, being left alone in the room, and being held by lots of different people in a short amount of time.

Every day is very different but Mama and Papa have me on a pretty regular schedule. I just thought you might like to know what I’m up to these days.  I love you all!